Editor Interface

Our editor provides a clean and simple user interface which should be familiar to users who worked on common desktop text editors like.Microsoft Word or Open Office. It consists of four distinct elements:

  • Toolbar - the area at the top of the editor, which contains many different buttons. You will use these buttons to activate the programs functions.
  • Editing Area - the area below the toolbar. This is the place where you type your text in.
  • Context Menu - a menu with functions which appears when you click the right button of the mouse inside the editing area.
  • Dialogs - small windows that appear when some of the functions are activates, used to provide the necessary information to accomplish that function.



The Toolbar is the area in the editor where you can activate most of the editor features. Each button in the toolbar access a different function. There are simple functions for basic text formatting and more advanced features like creation of links and tables.

The Toolbar

To use the buttons in the toolbar you must move your mouse pointer over the button. The button will highlight and a message with the information about the button function will appear. Click on the button to execute its function. With more experience you will have full control over all the editor features and you won't have to read the description of the buttons. You will just use them intuitively.

Besides the toolbars buttons there are also toolbar combos (drop down boxes). The combos are the white areas with a little arrow on its side. They can be easily accessed by clicking on the white area or the little arrow. Once clicked the menu will expand so you can choose from one of its available options. To execute one of them, simply click on it.


Editing Area

The Editing Area is the space where you will type in your text and format your document.

The Editing Area

If your document will be longer than the available space in the Editing Area, an scrollbar will appear. The scrollbar will allow you to go up and down through your text. You may also move inside the text by using your keyboard keys, for example PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, HOME, END and ARROW KEYS.

Another important function while editing is the text selection (text highlight). To select the text, press your mouse left button, hold it and go to the direction you want to highlight the text. Just release the button and the text will remain selected.


Context Menu

Once you start working with text, the context menu becomes very useful. It's a menu which will appear when you click the right button of your mouse anywhere inside the editing area or on an existing object.




As it names indicates the menu is context sensitive, which means that the available items depend on the place you click. For example, the following options may appear if you click inside a table:


It's enough to click the menu item to execute its function. Some of the functions maybe disabled. For example, the cut and copy options will be disabled if there is no text highlighted.

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